Game Tips

Here are a few tips for this game.

Changing the Story Mode
You can change the story mode to reflect any one of the 6 playable characters in the Story Mode. When you turn on the game, hold down the L & R buttons, then hold down any one of these 6 buttons to play their story mode:
Up: Super Sailormoon
Down: Super Sailor Chibimooon
X: Super Sailor Mercury
Y: Super Sailor Jupiter
A: Super Sailor Mars
B: Super Sailor Venus

If you wanted to have the story reflect around Super Sailor Venus, when you turn on the game, hold down the L, R, and B buttons at the same time, until you see their face on the screen. The title screen will change, and the story mode will revolve around them.

Increase ACS points
Normally, you will be given either 5, 10, or 15 points to customize your character in the ACS (Ability Customize System), but with this trick, you will be given 30 points to customize your character. When you are at the button configuration screen, hold down the L & R buttons, then while holding them down, push the Select button to enter the ACS screen. You will now have 30 points to make your senshi more powerful!

Super Sailor Mercury | Super Sailor Venus | Super Sailor Moon | Super Sailor Mars
Super Sailor Jupiter | Sailor Saturn | Sailor Uranus | Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto | Super Sailor Chibi Moon | Game Tips