Sailor Saturn

Sailor Saturn has a lot of powerful and well-rounded attacks, as well as good speed, making her a very powerful contender. Her crouching block is the same as Mercury & Venus. The button sequences for her attacks are not hard to execute, so she is a recommended character for beginners.

Home Stage: Throne of the Silent Messiah

Death Reborn Revolution
Button Sequence: D, DB, B + P
Range: Long

Sailor Saturn sweeps the ground with her glaive and creates a powerful wave of energy that slides towards the opponent.

Silence Buster
Button Sequence: D, DT, T + P
Range: Long

Sailor Saturn's glaive creates a wave of energy that makes its way towards the target.

Press Crusher
Button Sequence: (In air) T, DT, D + K
Range: Med/Long

Sailor Saturn jumps in the air, then creates a wave of energy sent towards the enemy in a downward fashion. The weak kick gives the attacks a medium range, while the strong kick gives it a longer range.

Death Drive Break
Button Sequence: B, BD, D, DT, T, B + SP
Range: Medium

Sailor Saturn's desperation move. She dashes toward the opponent, and if she makes contact, she repeatedly beats on the opponent, finishing with a Death Ribbon Revolution.

Other Moves:

Away Refuse: (close to opponent) T + SP
Rolling Kill: (close to opponent) T + SK
Back Skip: (quickly) B, B

Super Sailor Mercury | Super Sailor Venus | Super Sailor Moon | Super Sailor Mars
Super Sailor Jupiter | Sailor Saturn | Sailor Uranus | Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto | Super Sailor Chibi Moon | Game Tips