Super Sailor Mars

Super Sailor Mars is also an all around character. She is slightly more powerful and faster than Super Sailor Venus. The difference between the two is that Super Sailor Mars's attacks burn the opponent, which gives you more time to set up for attacks. Her crouching block doesn't avoid attacks as effectively as Mercury or Venus.

Home Stage: Hikawa Jinja

Mars Flame Sniper
Button Sequence: T, B + P
Range: Long

Super Sailor Mars fires an arrow of fire from a bow, which scorches the opponent, but can easily be ducked by all characters.

Mars Snake Fire
Button Sequence: B, BD, D, DT, T + K
Range: Long

Super Sailor Mars creates fire energy in the shape of a snake's head, which travels low and strikes.

Fire Heel Drop
Button Sequence: D, DB, B + K
Range: Short/Medium

Super Sailor Mars flips and strikes her opponent with her heel from above. Weak kick does a short range attack, hitting twice. A strong kick strikes at a longer range, and can burn the opponent.

Mars Snake Flare
Button Sequence: T, TD, D, DB, B, DB, D + SK
Range: Long

Super Sailor Mars's desperation attack. It travels initially like the Mars Snake Fire, but halfway along, it rises up while still traveling forward.

Other Moves:

100 Slaps: (close to opponent) T + SP
Frankensteiner: (close to opponent) T + SK
Back Skip: (quickly) B, B

Super Sailor Mercury | Super Sailor Venus | Super Sailor Moon | Super Sailor Mars
Super Sailor Jupiter | Sailor Saturn | Sailor Uranus | Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto | Super Sailor Chibi Moon | Game Tips