Super Sailor Moon

Super Sailor Moon is one of the slowest characters in the game. Her attacks are strong and quick though, and she can do a quick leap above the opponent (by tapping towards twice). Although she is short, her "crouching block" ability is not like Sailor Mercury or Sailor Venus.

Home Stage: Silver Millenium

Moon Gorgeous Meditation
Button Sequence: B, BD, D, T + P
Range: Long

Super Sailor Moon uses her Kaleid Moon Scope to create a large energy ball projected at the opponent.

Moon Tiara Action
Button Sequence: D, DT, T + P
Range: Long

Super Sailor Moon throws her tiara like a frisbee, which strikes her opponents from a distance.

Sonic Cry
Button Sequence: (Charge) D, U + P
Range: Short

Super Sailor Moon creates sonic waves from her head, which strikes opponents close by, or from above.

Silver Crystal Attack
Button Sequence: D, DT, T, DT, D, DB, B + SK
Range: Short

Super Sailor Moon's desperation move. She rises in the air, and the Silver Crystal gives an aura of powerful energy, which can strike the opponent and shield her from attack.

Other Moves:

Headbutt: (close to opponent) T + SP
Rabbit Flip: (close to opponent) T + SK
Dash Jump: (quickly) T, T
Back Skip: (quickly) B, B

Super Sailor Mercury | Super Sailor Venus | Super Sailor Moon | Super Sailor Mars
Super Sailor Jupiter | Sailor Saturn | Sailor Uranus | Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto | Super Sailor Chibi Moon | Game Tips